Steadicam is A movement

At the beginning, thanks so much for stopping and checking my web site!!

I’m happy to say that is long awaited by me web site. It took a long time for me to start making it. But happly it is now on and I hope you will enjoy it.

A few words about me, it is hard to write about myself but I will try:

I had started my journey in movie industry as a electrician in 2005. And my first set was with DP Edward Klosinski. He was great man who was patient enough to answer every stupid question I had. During this few weeks, thanks to him, I became interested in DP work on movie set but my heart was stolen by steadicam which I seen there first time.

On this set I met Andreas Glacer who become my first mentor and dear friend. I had started to learn from him. Back in the days there were only 2 rigs in Poland, one of them was old MKII. So I had started to figure out how this hell machine works.

Few years later I got my chance to be steadicam operator on my first movie and from that time I started to do everything what I can to become better and better. Since then I try become better and learn from every shot I make.

Few years ago I met people resposiblle for Alien Revolution system. Instantly I fell in love with new kind of shots you were able to do. As soon as I could I bought AR2 and became first polish AR operator. Since then my buissnes relation with MKV turned into friendship.

During this time I had oportunity to see work of many steadicam operators but 3 of them had the biggest impact on me. Ted Churchill, Marcus Pohlus and Chris McGuire. All of them are unique and in my opinion the most talentet ops out there.

In movies I love camera movement which is perfect for storytelling. Camera is one of main tool in movie which tells the story. I love hand held shoots when nessery, love dolly when nessesery but steadicam is still my biggest love.

Over a past few years I was fortunate to work and learn from incredible talented and expierienced directors and directors of photography like Pawel Pawlikowski, Andrzej Wajda, Lukasz Zal or Pawel Edelman. Lessons learned from them are unique and inreplacable.

Now I often also work with young DPs like Radosław Ładczuk. Witold Płóciennik, Dominik Danilczyk, Ita Zabroniec-Zajt, Carlo Jelavic, Mateusz Skalski, Maciej Lisiecki, Jeremiasz Prokopowicz, Jan Holoubek, Andrzej Wojciechowski and many more. All of them I thanks for trust which them put into me and oportunitty to learn and became better every day.

Hope my journey will continiue…

All the best,


Gear List:

  • MKV Nexus v4 stabilziation system
  • Luna Arm
  • Flowcine xArm
  • Walter Klassen Universal vest
  • Walter Klassen Flex vest
  • Transvideo XSBL HD8 monitor gen I and II
  • Transvideo StarliteHD+ monitor
  • Walter Klassen Hardmount
  • MKV Omega AR system
  • Optical Support Jackal Rickshaw
  • HFT Segway x2SE rig
  • Betz Tools Wave1
  • Flowcine BlackArm
  • FoMa Systems Maxima MX30 with accesories